Victor Lucas @VFS Game Design & Programming Scholarship

What It’s All About

Victor Lucas is a producer and writer, known mainly for Electric Playground. Electric Playground was founded and launched by Victor Lucas in 1995. The show ran on television for over 25 seasons, becoming the world’s longest running program focusing on gaming and geek-related news, reviews and commentary. It went through several transformations over the course of its television career – most notably splitting into two daily half-hour shows in 2010 – and reached millions of viewers. The show continues to produce and publish content on the Electric Playground Network’s YouTube channel.
The Game Design and Programming for Games, Web & Mobile programs break new ground by connecting new gamers with traditional methods, next generation storytelling, and cutting edge technology. This scholarship will help recipients blaze their trail into the creative economy, prepared with the tools they need to bring new gaming stories to life.

·         One Full Ride Scholarship to VFS’ Game Design Program

·         One Full Ride Scholarship to VFS’ Programming for Games, Web and Mobile Program

·         Up to $250K in partial scholarship funding to runner-up applicants

·         FULL DETAILS

Scholarship Details:

  • Victor Lucas is awarding scholarships to applicants who want to attend the prestigious Vancouver Film School in 2019.
  • He will be awarding 2 full-tuition scholarships; one to an applicant for VFS’ Game Design Program and one to an applicant for VFS’ Programming for Games, Web and Mobile Program.
  • In addition, he will be awarding up to $250K in partial scholarship funding to runner-up applicants
  • Scholarship opens February 1, 2019 and closes 11:59pm (PST) April 14, 2019
  • Scholarship is open to student applicants that are 17 years of age or older at the time of application.
  • Scholarship is open to applicants from anywhere in the world. (*Foreign applicants outside Canada will be subject to student visa permits, etc.) Victor Lucas will personally select and announce the shortlist finalists and subsequent winner of the 2019 scholarship. Applicants will need to be enrolled at VFS for the 2019 school year.