Kickstart your animation career @VFS #Winnipeg bootcamp Oct 4-6

Prepare yourself for an animated future!

Registration has opened.

Sisler IDM and VFS Animation alumni Moises Lucero will guide students through an intensive bootcamp in room 57  starting October 4th.  The first 30 students to meet the registration requirements will learn what it means to be a VFS animation student.


October 4th

Day 1 descriptor:
The introductory class will go over setting up Flash preferences to better optimize Flash for animation while also familiarizing the students with the Flash interface. Once the class has setup their preferences, they will learn how to construct a character in Flash that will be usable for animation.
Day 01
Lunch Panel:
Connect with VFS staff through Livestream.  Videoconference will include a Q & A panel session with key Animation program staff.  Learn about the following programs:

October 5th

Day 2 descriptor:
Day 2
This class will cover the posing and rough animation process. Students will be making rough drawings and timing charts to help plan their final animation. They will also begin posing to start blocking out their action.
Day 02
Lunch Panel Discussion:
Q & A with Moises about “What to expect – A student perspective”

October 6th

Day 3 descriptor:
In the final class students will be given a scene file similar to one they would receive on a production. They will then be tasked with animating that scene going from rough to final finished animation.
Day 03
Lunch Panel Discussion:
Q & A with Moises about “Living in Vancouver”

Register Below:

To participate and reserve your seat, please note that students must:

  • have parental permission form completed, signed and returned to Mr. Leduc,
  •  have teacher permission form completed and returned to Mr. Leduc
  • agree to miss other classes and make up missing work
  • agree to participate in lunch panel discussions
  • pay $15 (cash please) to cover lunch costs for the three days.  Yes, lunches will be provided for all participants.


Parental and Teacher permission forms may be picked up in room 57