VFS Talk with Pixar Canada's Camera & Staging Lead Jennifer Mackie – Oct 13

Visit Redwood Studio 57 to register for the VFS Talk with Animator/Layout Artist Jennifer Mackie on Oct 13

Workshop Information:

  • October 13, 2016
  • Sisler’s Redwood Studio 57
  • Learn about staging and layout from VFS Animation Mentor & Pixar animator Jennifer Mackie

About Jennifer Mackie

What ever the medium, it’s all about the story.

I come from a fine art background having studied Fine Art Photography at Glasgow School of Art before a Masters in Animation. I have worked for many years in animation cinematography, most notably as Camera and Staging Lead at Pixar Canada.
I have a wide range of skills within both the 2d and 3d piplines as well as a passion for cinematography, editing and above all, storytelling. I greatly enjoy mentoring other artists and develop teams while still seeking to expanding my own knowledge at every opportunity. I also mentor at Vancouver Film School focusing on developing students storytelling, cinematography and editing skills in the Animation and VFX course.
Recently I have been enjoying transferring my feature film studio experience into live action editing, motion graphics and animation on smaller independent projects. I find working across many disiplines allows me to keep my creative skills fresh and the work exciting, creative and to a perfection that I hold myself to.
Get in touch if you like my work and want a chat!

Jen Mackie Motion Reel 2016 from jennifer mackie on Vimeo.

Jen Mackie Layout 2016 from jennifer mackie on Vimeo.