CREATE Teams Up With Covefly, Final Draft 13!

Sisler CREATE has teamed up with Final Draft! With Final Draft 13, the latest version of the Industry Standard Screenwriting Software, students can now elevate their screenwriting, turning their ideas into script effortlessly.

The latest software offers more customization and accountability than any version before. No more fussing with formatting because Final Draft does it all automatically. Students can create their ideal writing environment, choosing from dozens of professional templates to customizable workflows and modes. They can use powerful story planning tools to help brainstorm and outline their scripts, either by themselves or collaborating with their mentors and fellow students in real time. Sisler Create students will now be able to generate production-ready scripts with the screenwriting platform trusted by 95% of the entertainment industry.

Thank you, Final Draft!  Having the latest, industry standard screenwriting software available to our students is a game-changer, allowing our students to fully explore their creativity and find their unique voice in the entertainment industry.